God’s Kingdom = WWW= Whole Wide World

Saturday November 18 2023

GOD’S KINGDOM = WWW = Whole Wide World.

Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold, 13 but the one who stands firm to the end will be saved. 14 And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.

Jesus’ words, from Matthew 24, are becoming reality: take the first line: while the world’s population has quadrupled in my lifetime, churches in my white- race world, are closing or are near empty. I live in small-town Eastern Ontario, where exurban development has buoyed the population, but the church which I joined in 1980, has declined from some 70 people to a few dozen seniors. Wickedness has probably not increased, but most certainly ‘love has grown cold’. 

How about the rest of the text?

To me the next prediction is the greater mystery: “The gospel of the Kingdom will be preached!” Will the churches suddenly see the light and start preaching the Kingdom message, in accord with Jesus’ plea: “Seek first the Kingdom”?  

With churches in the Western world in deep decline, and, in the Rest of the World dominated by kingdom-shy, Heaven-promoting Pentecostalism, while the Roman Catholic Church often equates the church with the Kingdom, no, no, the church will definitely not suddenly start preaching The Kingdom message. Yet, Jesus tells me and you and everybody else, that the Gospel of the Kingdom will be preached everywhere, yes, everywhere.


What does “The Gospel of the Kingdom” entail? What, actually, IS the Gospel of the Kingdom? It’s not the church.

My parent’s church, the Christian Reformed Church in the Netherlands, had a Latin slogan, Ecclesia Reformata, Semper Reformanda, meaning, The Reformed Church, Always Reforming. However, The Reformed Church, became Nunquam Reformanda, Never Reforming, stuck in the Pagan Greek “Heaven” heresy, still dominating the totality of Christendom. 

I translated a book by Dr. J.H. Bavinck, and the publisher, Eerdmans in Grand Rapids, Mich. gave it the title, Between the Beginning and the End, a radical Kingdom Vision, so, yes, I have a notion what God’s Kingdom entails. Bavinck writes that “personal salvation and the salvation of ‘nature’ go hand in hand”. No wonder a Christian College refused to review it!

And then there is the Belgic Confession:

We know God by two means: first, by the creation, preservation, and government of the universe;1 which is before our eyes as a most elegant book, wherein all creatures, great and small, are as so many characters leading us to contemplate the invisible things of God, namely, His eternal power and divinity, as the apostle Paul saith (Rom. 1:20). All which things are sufficient to convince men, and leave them without excuse.

Yes, Creation IS God’s Primary Word! No excuse! Remember, “Poems are made by fools like me, but only God can make a tree”.

How then will “The Gospel of the Kingdom be preached in the whole world”? 

Global Warming, Climate Change: that’s how the Gospel of the Kingdom is being preached! It is shouting this very minute; it is now broadcast everywhere: not a square centimeter of soil is excepted; not a cubic millimeter of air escapes its curse; not a drop of water is left pure, not a breath of air remains unspoiled. 

God’s kingdom comprises all plants, all animals, all human beings, all air molecules, all water entities, all ground particles, all that has a name and has been placed in catalogues and scientific papers and journals: even those who have not yet been discovered and recognized: all these comprise the Kingdom and now we are discovering that this Gospel, this Holy Earth, is on the way out, and, as Elizabeth Kolbert has outlined in her book, The Sixth Extinction, is dying! and then the end will come.

Sin and Grace, Wickedness and Kingdom go together. That’s why the gospel of extinction, is now being preached throughout the world, proclaiming loud and clear that tampering with God’s Creation leads to death, while treasuring and observing and honoring her way leads to life: life eternal. Romans 1: 20 tells us that failure to recognize Creation as divine, and failure to love creation (see John 3: 16) results in death. In the Old Testament, God almost always chastised the people of Israel through climate disasters.

The world today and the 10 plagues in Egypt.

We now experience – in Climate Change – what Egypt underwent in the 10 plagues which were all environmental, ending in death. But it resulted in freedom. The same is happening today: Climate change will bring death to the present society, and give birth to the New.

Today, November 18, pledge, pray, live new creation, God’s Eternal Kingdom: WWW = The Whole Wide World.

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Saturday November 11 2023


When we visited one of our three daughters, who lived near Beverly Hills, we stayed at a hotel next to a Messianic Synagogue, and on the Sabbath my wife and I attended the service there: very impressive, fully conforming to the rabbinic tradition, me wearing a yarmulka, a skullcap, observing the unfolding and reciting of the law, observing a cantor – an opera singer – chanting the required verses, but the preaching was from Corinthians. 

Is Jesus a Jew? 

Is Jesus a Jew? Of course, Jesus is a Jew. He was born of a Jewish mother, in Galilee, a Jewish part of the world. All of his friends, associates, colleagues, disciples, all of them were Jews. He regularly attended the Jewish communal worship, what we call synagogues. He preached from Jewish text of the Hebrew Bible. He celebrated the Jewish festivals. He went on pilgrimage to the Jewish Temple in Jerusalem where he was under the authority of priests…. He was born, lived, died, taught as a Jew. This is obvious to any casual reader of the gospel text. What’s striking is not so much that he was a Jew but that the gospels make no pretense that he wasn’t. 

Yes, Jesus was born a Jew, a true descendant of the House of David, hence born on Bethlehem, David’s home base. Jesus died a Jew, and he was raised from the dead, still being a Jew. When he returns, soon I believe, he will be visibly recognized as a Jew, just as I will be a blue-eyed white person – then a visible minority – in the New Creation, as black and brown or whatever, will dominate then. 

Being a Jew is something special.

By all accounts, Abraham was the first Jew, a man of great faith and wisdom, a man who left the security of his tribe and followed God’s instructions blindly, fully trusting the divine ordinances. He was the start of a great people, an epithet that has endured throughout the millennia. Much of the mental attributes of the modern world is of Jewish origin. Yet they were – and still are – the quintessential ‘strangers and sojourners’, the emblem of homeless and vulnerable humanity. 

In my youth I witnessed how, during the 1940-45 occupation, Jewish families were torn apart, the German Polizei arresting first the little children, then, days later, hauled away the father, leaving for a while an agonizing mother: satanic cruelty! 

“Jews are just like everyone else, only more so,” somebody once said. True: it gave us a John, the Baptizer; it gave us also a Judas, the betrayer; it gave us an Einstein, but also an Epstein.

The Final Phase.

We now are in history’s final phase. A 4,000 years old vendetta is in its end-game: Sarai versus Hagar, Isaac versus Ishmael, Jew versus Arab, Israel versus its surrounding neighbours.

And where does Jesus fit in, the eternal Jew?

Jesus called himself, not a Jew, but “The Son of Man”. When, in that famous chapter, John 3, Nicodemus, a distinctive Jewish teacher, came to him at night, Jesus told him that he ought to be ‘born again’, a phrase this Jewish professor had never heard before. What Jesus meant was that he had to shed his religious, Old Testament, Jewishness, the laws and ordinances connected with his belief, and become a New Testament person, ruled not by regulations and ordinances, but by ‘love’, by total all-comprehensive love: ”Love God with all your heart, soul, mind, strength, and your neighbor as yourself – a re-birth into all of God’s creative acts”.  

Jesus called himself the Son of Man, or as I translate it Humanity Personified. Jesus was and is a Jew, but his physical appearance is just the outward shell. In his totality, Jesus represents all Jews, all Arabs, all races and colors and appearances, all the good, the ill, the defunct, the injured, the disadvantaged, the maimed and crippled, the entirety of all human experiences: that’s what I think, ‘the Son of Man’ depicts, perhaps better depicted as “Humanity personified”, because he is the savior not only for the Jews, but for all human beings.

Another misunderstanding.

Jesus did not start a religion: his last act, before he died on the cross, was to shred the curtain in the Jerusalem temple separating the Holy from the Holy of Holies, that unique place where only the High Priest, once a year, was allowed to enter. With this act, Jesus forever abolished all formal religion; forever abolished church and Bible. Instead, as John 10: 10 attests: Jesus came to bring LIFE and that to the FULL. That’s why John did not see a temple in the city, (the new Creation) because the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are its temple. (Revelation 21: 22.)

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November 4 2023


My father was a successful businessman and entrepreneur, until he wasn’t. He failed to detect a radical change in his market, at the very time when he took on debt to finance an extensive home renovation. 

His clientele were the small bakers, of which every village in North Netherlands had a number, and every street corner in the city also. Almost overnight, with the advent of automobile ownership, and the growth of supermarkets, this scenario drastically altered, and with it his market. 

Geert Mak, one of the most celebrated authors in the Netherlands, pinpointed this event in his book, “How God disappeared from Jorwerd”, Jorwerd being a village in central Friesland, a location that could just as well have been any small settlement in rural Netherlands. It is the story of their retail merchants and the overpowering city influence, and also the overnight vanishing of the church and the loss of ‘faith’. 

My youngest brother lived in such a place – he worked in the city. Once there, I counted 5 abandoned churches: no retail stores or active faith-community at all. 

An identical phenomenon happened in Tweed, where I have lived since 1975. When I came, there were 4 hardware stores, a butcher, a baker, and a clothing store: nothing now. We do have one hardware store, large, on the South edge of town, too far out to walk to. 

This year the Salvation Army revived its Thrift Shop, now thriving: its church closed, and so is the Anglican while my Presbyterian Church is fading slowly. 

So, what holds the future? Will the automobile prevail? Will ‘faith’ return?

The automobile was not the only cause that killed both retail and church:  The dying faith in community and in God, kept alive during the economic depression, 1929-39, and also endured during the 1939-45 World War II, collapsed soon after peace came, replaced by faith in technology.  

Now that God vacuum, somewhat filled by the advent of the freedom-generating vehicle, is facing a major test: that idol, now our new deity, has become the very threat to our physical and spiritual survival. The latest Arctic News warns caused, ironically, by our so adored automobile and technology, that: “The climate is an angry beast and we are poking at it with sticks”. Can we tame that beast? That is the multi-trillion dollar question today.

The case for caution.

My father got burned when he failed to detect the onset of the new culture that killed his business. Now our entire self-driving mode is under attack, with the distinct possibility that a sudden and drastic rise in Global Heating will force governments to curtail the total use of gasoline-powered vehicles, while, replacing them with all-electric substitutes, will prove difficult, due to bottlenecks in material and affordability.

There is an additional case for caution because the Middle East holds the key to the oil supply and peace. A wrong turn there and the OPEC – the Oil Producing Exporting Countries – might close the tap, as they have a choke hold on our economies. 

My father failed to read the signs of the times, and so lost his business. 

The question today is much more complicated and all-consuming. Through my father’s failure I personally have learned a lesson, which has haunted me all my adult life. 

I have learned one additional lesson: the church, as an organization, no longer has an answer, even though I still attend. Bonhoeffer taught me that a church, existing only for itself, is a failure: it HAS to be there for others. Miraculously, my dwindling church is as good as it gets, even though our Sunday services are, by and large, useless, because, in my experience, sermons are a waste of time, making preachers redundant. What I see as important, is the singing, the coffee hour and fellowship there. What I see as important is our Monday-noon free hot meal, attended by some 20-25 people. What I see as important is our church initiated communal Christmas Cantata. What I see as important is the Wednesday morning Coffee Hour. What I see as very important is the use of the churchyard to grow greens for the local food bank, demonstrating that “The Earth is the Lord’s and all it contains”, as Psalm 24 attests. What we do miss is a communal prayer gathering.

Fortunately, our church building is right across the Beer Store and the only Food store.

The Belgic Confession is very explicit, which, when asking, “How do we know God?” answers: “First of all through his creation, which, as a wonderful book, tells us about him through his miraculous works”. That Word is shouting today.

Unless a church community emphasizes deeds, including environmental ones  – see the book of James – it will fail, as today so many churches already do.

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October 28 2023


In our world we have opted for comfort and ease: it’s easy to prepare meals, it’s easy to be entertained, it’s easy to move from one place to another, it’s easy to provide light, coolness and heat.

That easiness, however, comes at a steep price. C. S. Lewis dictum comes to mind: “The safest road to hell is the gradual one – the gentle slope, soft underfoot, without sudden turnings, without milestones, without signposts.”  That’s the road we have taken.

So, why is my back sore? It’s not only my age, although that plays a role. It is because last week I and my oldest son – who did most of the work – dug up the potatoes that I seeded in the spring, making true Genesis 3: 17: Through painful toil you will eat. I didn’t dig just to fulfill the words of Scripture: I dug because I shun mechanical tools and prefer homegrown produce to lessen my ‘carbon footprints’. 

I had a good growing year: stored in my two small freezers, 50 meals of green beans, 50 meals of red beets and kale; cherry tomatoes. Now in my root cellar, in addition to the potatoes, there are also a large quantity of onions and apples. Ever since I read, almost 50 years ago, Diet for a small planet by Frances Moore Lappé, my wife and I have been vegetarian.

Yes, it’s a struggle out there.

My back is sore, and my psyche suffers too. In my weekly blog, my fusion of contemporary news and biblical references from a somewhat unorthodox point of view, makes me an outcast among the conservatives and thorn in the flesh among the liberal believers who pick and choose the Bible passages that fit their notion. 

Food in the news.

This week food is very much in the news, not food, the genuine, back-breaking stuff, but industrial ingredients that are pseudo-foods.

In two respectable newspapers – The UK Guardian and the Toronto Globe and Mail – alarming studies have shown that “ultra-processed foods” (UPFs) are becoming the main source of ‘nutrition’ for a majority of people. Ultra-processed foods contain ingredients you won’t find in your own kitchen. They’re formulations of substances derived from foods along with additives used to flavour, sweeten, bleach, colour, emulsify, texturize and preserve: they contain little, if any, real food. They include chicken nuggets, snack bars, cake mixes, ice cream, breakfast cereals – yes, your morning meal! – sliced breads, frozen waffles, pretzels, soft drinks, processed meats, instant noodles, frozen French fries, frozen pizza and many more. They are high in calories, added sugars, unhealthy fats and/or sodium, but stripped of gut-friendly fibre, protective phytochemicals and naturally occurring vitamins and minerals. They also are dumbing down our brains.



Replace highly processed snacks with whole fruit, unsweetened yogurt, nuts and seeds, homemade trail mix, homemade muffins and raw vegetables, for example. 

Felice Jacka, a leading researcher of nutritional psychiatry, the co-director of the Food & Mood Centre at Deakin University, Australia, and president of the International Society for Nutritional Psychiatry Research, has discovered that Ultra Processed Foods affect our metabolism, our blood glucose, our body weight, and profoundly influences our immune system.

Here’s what Michael Pollan, professor in California, recommends:

  1. Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants.
  2. Eating healthy is common sense. Don’t make it complicated.
  3. Avoid processed foods and ingredients you don’t recognize.
  4. Use meat for flavor, not the main course.
  5. Pay more, eat less

My farming grandparents had quite a simple diet: potatoes, laced with pure fat followed by buttermilk porridge. The pure fat was worked away in their perpetual strenuous farm labor without the aid of mechanical tools. My maternal grandfather died at the age of 70, when, retired, he continued this regime without the heavy manual exercise: a sudden heart attack. My paternal grandfather, a grocer, lived till 90 because his diet was more varied.

The Food Industry.

We live in dangerous times: dangerous because deceit and lies are everywhere, including in the food industry.


Just as the tobacco industry, for a long time, tried to confuse people by saying there was no direct link between smoking and health hazards, just as the powerful oil companies play down the cosmic catastrophe connected to the use of their products, so now the Corporate Food Industry is using the same deceptive tactics. Just think of the billions of dollars that are generated in profits through the industrialised food system every year, and the power of those industries to get people, including scientists, to muddy the waters. 

Keep Matthew 10: 16 in mind, the wise counsel Jesus gave there:

“I am sending you out like sheep among wolves. Therefore, be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves,”  worth the occasional stab in the back.

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October 21 2023



Chaos in US congress. Chaos in the world’s weather. Chaos in Ukraine. Chaos in the Middle East. Chaos in many families. Chaos in the most church denominations. Chaos in people’s minds. Chaos in education. Chaos in office towers. Chaos in the Trump’s mind. Chaos in the Amazon and Canada’s boreal forests, both turning from a ‘carbon sink’, to a carbon emitter. Chaos in both the Arctic and Antarctic. 

Why such wide-spread Chaos? 

Because everything is connected to everything else! 

There used to be self-contained communities, minimally touched by outside happenings. Now everything is connected to everything else, thanks to TV, Internet, world-wide trade, global money flows, last minute supply lines. 

Now all this is on the cusp of unraveling, because Middle East tensions will soon affect the world’s blood supply: OIL.

Chaos, derived from the Greek khaos, means ‘vast chasm, void’.

There is a tremendous ‘void’ in the world’s vocabulary: the “God” factor is missing, yet the Middle East is consumed with ‘religion’. Religion kills, as we saw in the World Trade Centre now two decades ago. Religion kills as we see everyday in our world, especially around the Israel region. Islam always has been a violent religion, forcing people to adhere to its vision of religion. 

Christianity is based on love, love for God, and, as Romans 11: 36 attests: “From God and through God and to God are all things”, with “God’s fulness now dwelling in Jesus Christ”, as Paul writes to believers.

The Matthew 24 scenario.

Today we are living the words of Matthew 24: “21 For then there will be great distress, unequaled from the beginning of the world until now—and never to be equaled again, because “Escalation begets escalation”. 

The US says its decision to dispatch a second aircraft carrier group in the eastern Mediterranean is intended to bolster Israel’s security and “deter any state or non-state actor” from widening the conflict. That vague wording conceals a world of anxiety about a possible head-on collision with Iran.

Iran is the “state actor” that controls and coordinates the “non-state actors” – Hamas and the militant group Palestinian Islamic Jihad in Gaza; Tehran-affiliated militias in Syria, Iraq and Yemen; and the most powerful of them all, Lebanon’s Hezbollah (the “Party of God”). This is what Iran’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, calls the “axis of resistance”.

Iran undoubtedly views the additional deployment as an American escalation. It appears to be placing its militias on notice that new war fronts may soon open up. Israel is already fending off daily, limited Hezbollah cross-border attacks in the north, and is warning of the “destruction of Lebanon” if the militia joins Hamas’s war.

That same chapter, Matthew 24, warns us about false prophets, now evident everywhere, including the church, where the ‘heaven heresy’ is still dominant. Oh, yes, people are ‘spiritual’, a booming industry.

A recent study found that nearly nine out of 10 Americans hold one belief that can be described as “new-age spiritualism”, whether that’s reincarnation, telepathy, or astrology. However, the biblical given, captured in John 3, explicitly states that, “nobody has ever gone to heaven, except Jesus who came from there”, (verse 13), and especially verse 16, which captures more than any other text, the essence of the Gospel: For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.”

We are called to love God, and to love what he loves. That simple directive, quite explicit, beyond theological jargon and doctrine, states that, to gain eternal life, in God’s new creation, is to ‘love God through loving creation’. 

I repeat: the entire “Christian” faith can be summarized by sincerely believing that God, by sacrificing his Son, as payment for buying back Creation, will grant us eternal life, not, not, in heaven, but here on ‘terra firma’, God’s own earth. Romans 1: 20 says, “For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities–his eternal power and divine nature–have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse”. 

In my mind, the corollary, the direct and natural consequence of this text, is that those who see creation as divine and holy, and live that belief, will find grace in God’s eyes.

Look at the world realistically: Already the current El Niño is strengthening; already there are further reasons why the temperature can be expected to keep rising beyond today, causing increasing chaos, increasing wars, increasing search for water, for grain, for oil, with people moving to more moderate climates, away from tropical countries, and dangers from heat, floods and earthquakes. 

Remember: “Like a thief in the night…..”

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..But only God can make a tree

October 14 2023

Poems are made by fools like me. But only God can make a tree.


Here is a foolish example:

We live in times of deepest gloom, 

With covid, wars and climate doom, 

the future looks so dire and grim, 

our only hope now comes from Him.

I call this foolish writing, because today nothing will prevent collapse anymore, yet we ignore all signs.

I am re-reading a book bought on March 26 2002. In the introduction to The Re-enchantment of Everyday Life, by Thomas Moore, a former professor of Religion and Psychology, I read: “In a disenchanted world, for all its concern for moral and social action, religion separates itself from everyday life and becomes obsessed with its own brand of belief and moral purity. In this kind of setting, the people who pollute our rivers and oceans and exploit workers and families may go to church and profess strong moral values, and yet they don’t have any conscience about the water, the earth, or the human community.”

The author, a fine Catholic, a monk for 12 years – now married with 2 children – states that these persons, including us, are committing heinous sins, not acknowledged as such. 

His words echo those of Karen Armstrong, also a former ‘spiritual’, who wrote Sacred Nature, about 20 years after Thomas Moore implied the holiness of our earth, seas and skies. 

Of course, the earth is holy. Of course, the church, emphasizing ‘belief’ and confessional statements and pious behavior, will never ‘proclaim’ that state of ‘holiness’. Even now it has great problems with equality for women, basically because the Bible, written 3,000-2,000 years ago, saw women as subservient to men. The same is true for different sex orientations, even though in the animal world, this is quite common. 

The church should follow Karl Barth’s life rule: look at the world with the Bible in one hand, and a respectable newspaper or weekly in the other.

Become like children.

We must become like children, and dream, dream of faraway countries, dream of the future new world as I visualized it in my book, DAY WITHOUT END.

When I was 10 years old, I got a bladder infection, now simply cured with antibiotics. Then, in 1938, the doctor prescribed 6 weeks of bedrest! Also, some diet restrictions. The doctor, whose father lived next door, visited me a couple of times each week, while my grade 4 teacher came once a week, assigning homework. My bed was next to a picture window, three stories high, allowing me full view of the busy street, always different bakers, always vegetable merchants, milkmen doing deliveries, continually something to watch. Cars? No. I also read 100 books. 

In 1940, my 6th grade of the school just around the corner from where we lived, occupied the third floor of our school building, overlooking the entire neighbourhood to the northerly sky where often thick clouds would resemble giant mountains, and I would dream of climbing them. 

I remember standing in front of Lake Louise, with the glaziers in the background, and suddenly I was overwhelmed with emotion. 

I now live on the edge of a large forest. Between the highway and my abode – a 2 storey dwelling, passive solar, with 4 large windows facing south and super insulated – I planted 4,000 trees, a monoculture I am afraid, of pine, the same uniformity that burned – is still burning! – in British Columbia, the opposite of a cure for Climate Change. Well, it proves the common saying: The way to hell is paved with good intentions.

Now, 85 years later -my 95th birthday is TODAY! – I enjoy my solitude, my kids visiting faithfully. I love reading and writing, love hear myself chuckle, love follow my strict regime from dawn to bedtime. It gives me stability and predictability, still love foolishness: here’s another example.

A song celebrating the laws of Ecology.

(Everything is connected)

All people that on earth do dwell,
sing to the Lord, his ways foretell.
Remember earth, air, sea and tree
Are all a part of you and me.

(Creation knows best)

Creation knows the ways to go
God bred it in its natural know,

We therefore must inquire of her
To see where we go right or err.

(Nothing disappears)

Nothing will ever disappear
It lingers on, it is now clear
The oil we burn creates much ill
And causes universal kill.       

(No free lunch)

There is no free lunch to be had
The bills are due: they will be bad
Our children must pay this very great debt
We robbed them of their safety net.

We robbed them, left them in the lurch

No wonder they have left the church
We wasted, stole, their future need
Please Lord, forgive us our great greed.

Sing it! Now!

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